Contact us

Contacts & Opening hours


atom I.T. Repairs, 24, Kurat Schembri Street, Mosta
Malta – MST 1174

Tel: +356 21 422 934

Email: [email protected]

Weekdays: 0930 – 1830HRS 
Saturday: 0900 – 1300HRS


  • Starting from the Mosta Dome church, on Constitution street, head to BOV bank and past it then you will see HSBC bank.
  • On the same side of the banks a little further up there is a Southern Fried Chicken outlet. As soon as you see it, turn into the side-road (on the left).
  • We are about 10m up the side-road. You will spot the sign ATOM on your right hand side.

Click here to open Google Maps on your device

Click here to open Google Maps on your device

To find us on your GPS type in address as follows:
Mosta -> Triq Il-Kurat Schembri -> 24
or enter our GPS Coordinates:
N35.910336793193046 / E14.42408665277867